Money from your garden Dream Design (R) Team

Create your garden and save thousands every year, it's so easy! 
Green Gray and Blue are our earth's  colours, or at as we found most in our environment. Those are the colours we can see in all the ancient civilization, plus red but not that often! Even in our days we go back to see those marvels of history! The ideas were coming strait from the environment that those people were living!                                                                                            

In our days we need more than ever a garden to surround us for our pleaser and as well for our vegetable that it can support us.  All fresh and healthy, grown out of any chemical poisons  on and in them!
Our own  garden! Do you know that a small garden can save you if you follow my instructions from5000 to 15000 thousand per a year!
I know that very well as agricultural, and i can give you the knowledge to take the right steps for a real practical garden that it will give you the greenery the nice smell's and also food, heat for your house and electricity.
All these you can do them spending less than 1000$ By Your Self! Just follow the simple steps that i will tell you! 
Yes my friends all those in one small few square yards of land!
If i was you i wouldn't put non grass in my garden at all because it takes a lot of water and trouble to preserve and gives nothing back to us!
The best way to start is to do something very important for your house heat in winter and cool in summer, strait from your garden! 
And lets see how, the method is called Geothermal heat pump. That system is borrowing the earth natural warmth that we know that it is 50 to 55 degrees year around, now what we do? We circle the air in the soil take the earth's temperature and we bring it in our home! For learning more watch the DIY geothermal pump video. That will explain to you many things.
Now step No 2 save some more money month after month creating your own electric power with solar panels!
Now if you think that those things are very expensive i got the solution for you make them your self with less than 100$ each and save a fortune! 
I know what you will be thinking, how in the hell am i going to make it? That's what i first thought. All you have yo do is click on this link next. Home made energy it's called and it will give you expectedness solutions!      

Step No3 is to start building your garden. First of all you must check if your soil is strong and clear from pollution, what i mean is if it doesn't have any out standing material on it and under it, like oil, plastic and generally things like those.
I would strongly advice you to start with plants that can supply your table! Tomatoes or cucumber  lettuce, eggplant ect.
Believe me its very easy to make those plants grow very fast and almost with no work at all, just do as you can see on Food4Wealth. Do it for your fun! And as about the bio-dynamic force of your soil you can learn more  on this very good product called Biodynamic Farming Secrets,it's amassing how many thing you can learn from that! We professionals believe that it is a very good tool! When you click this blog go to the product page and click again on the biodynamic book.
Those are some of the ones you can make as amateur and i'm sure that if you follow all these cartful you can save lot of money for your own pleaser like Matt & Victoria are doing!
You can also learn more and very important subjects the hydroponic for you plants 
in a very easy and fun way!

I hope that you will get all the information not only for your fun but also for making money! Last year from a 700 square yard garden that includes my house i saved 11456$ and i got also 9345$ from selling my land products to the market!
All those without missing a minute from my job!   
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